Little Coxwell Village, Oxfordshire, UK
Parish Council
The Parish Council is the first point of contact for matters relating to local government. It acts as a channel for passing on the views of residents on local issues and the provision of local services to the Vale of the White Horse District Council, e.g. on planning, or to Oxfordshire County Council, e.g. on Highways and Public Transport.
The Parish Council is responsible for the management of the village playing field.
Meetings are held in the Village Hall. Residents of Little Coxwell are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to raise any issue with the Parish Council or wanting further information should contact the clerk or one of the councillors.
Members of the Parish Council are:
Glen Yarwood (Chairman)
Andy Whiteford
Nick Mattingley
David New
Frances Woodd
Clerk: Caroline Weston c/o The Estate Office, Manor Farm, Little Coxwell, Faringdon,Oxon, SN7 7LW
Tel: 01367 240811 email: littlecoxwell.pc@gmail.com
The content of our annual audit for year ending 31st March 2024 can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
The period of public rights is 1st of July to 9th of August 2024.
The minutes of our most recent meetings can be viewed by clicking on the links below:
The date for the next meeting is 6pm pm on Monday 9th June 2025 in the Village Hall.
The agenda is available from the clerk at LittleCoxwell.pc@gmail.com
Other documents of interest
4) Register of Parish Councillors Interests
Other Links: